On Monday there shall be:

  • Bible study which shall involve every member of the CU. It shall take place at 5:00 pm and it should be decentralized.
  • Beginners band practice
  • band practice (5pm – 6:20pm)

On Tuesday there shall be:

  • Block A ministerial practices.

On Wednesday there shall be:

  • Free Wednesday 1st week of the month
  • Years fellowship    2nd week of the month
  • Leaders prayer and fasting, Anzafyt and VukaFit 3rd week of the month
  • Brothers and sisters fellowship 4th week of the month

On Thursday there shall be:

  • Prayer and fasting for all CU members
  • Alternating conclusions between prayer and evangelism at 5:00 pm
  • There will be FFC classes running concurrently with the conclusions at 5:00pm
  • BEST-P classes

On Friday there shall be:

  • A revival or night events e.g. Talent Night, Worship Night or Keshas from 6:15 pm

On Saturday there shall be;

  • Intermediate band practice from 2:00pm – 4:00pm.
  • General band practice from 4:00pm – 6:30pm.

On Sunday there shall be TWO services:

  • First service at the MPH a from 7:30am – 9:30am.
  • Second service at the Graduation Square as from 10:30am – 12:30pm.